When emergencies or natural disasters occur, preparation can really pay off. Ensuring that water utilities remain operational is a big concern for cities and utility companies. Recently, ESL Power Systems, Inc. was featured in an article written by William Atkinson of Water Efficiency Magazine, focusing on “Keeping the Pumps Running When the Lights Go Out.” There are several strategies to consider to ensure that water utilities will continue to function should your geographic area suffer from power failure. In addition to using efficient pumps, conducting energy audits and proper maintenance, you must also arrange for backup power sources.
ESL Power Systems, Inc. was delighted when our Technical Sales Representative, Richard Traver, was interviewed for the feature article. “For pumps at water treatment and waste water plants, our most popular unit is the TripleSwitch, which is a manual load-bank testing and portable generator docking station unit. It is popular because it is used with a permanent standby generator and an automatic transfer switch. This allows the utility to load-bank test their permanent generators, which may need to be done monthly.”
The article offered a well rounded snapshot of emergency backup power when it comes to water utilities, including: stand-alone generators, stand-alone pumps and generators, and stand-alone fuel-powered pumps. Backup power, when combined with energy efficient pumps, are a solid start towards emergency preparedness. ESL’s TripleSwitch and StormSwitch products were mentioned due to their ease of use. “Since the StormSwitch is already in place at the station, the company’s employees can hook the generator up and start it up. The water utility doesn’t need to send anyone out there at all. The generator company can handle everything, as long as the StormSwitch is in place.”
Thank you to Water Efficiency for encouraging businesses to prepare for power outages sooner, rather than later.
For more information regarding our emergency backup power solutions, please request a brochure or reach out to a member of our sales team.