ESL Provides New Resources

ESL Resources


ESL’s mission is to, “continuously provide our customers with innovative solutions.”  As we strive to provide better solutions we also aim to provide better resources.  ESL recently updated our technological resources to help serve our customers. The hope is it will not only educate, but also make finding the right “innovative” solution easier.

We built an App for that!

On the path to providing better tools, we created a new and improved online Catalog Manager. You know how catalogs can read like lengthy instruction manuals? Well, we decided to simplify the information and look to make finding what you need easier. ESL’s product offerings are now presented in an easy to locate format. Not only is the new catalog much more legible and direct on your desktop, but also more conducive to smartphones and tablets for customers on the go.

And speaking of smartphones and tablets…. We built an App for that!

We are pleased to introduce the new “ESL Power APP,” available for both IOS and Android devices. You can quickly and easily measure both kW output needed and Wire Size Bend Radius in either one swipe of the slider or a press of the button. The equations are based on the National Electrical Code (NEC) and the Insulated Cable Engineers Association (ICEA) minimum bend radius requirements. The “ESL Power APP” is the easier equation. You can download our app from Google Play or the iTunes App store.

These are just a couple of things ESL has done to make your experience with us a positive one. We are constantly looking for ways to improve our own avenues of information and resources to help simplify your day-to-day tasks.

Still need more help on finding the right solution? Our Customer Service Reps are here to assist.  Click here to request more info.

Do You Have A Contingency Plan? The Cost of NOT Being Prepared

Contingency Plan

Planning ahead for an emergency can be challenging but ESL is here to help make things easier with our line of UL 1008 Listed Emergency Power Products. Our manual transfer switches and tap boxes ensure a quick, safe generator hook-up and operation for any building and ensure time without power is minimal. There are countless things to consider when planning for the worst case scenario however; the potential for loss of power should be a top priority when trying to keep business continuity intact.

Contingency Planning

A contingency plan is a course of action designed to help an organization respond effectively to a significantly disruptive event or situation.

As businesses have become more reliant on immediate availability, the tolerance for downtime has decreased. A disaster can have devastating effects on a business because of this mind set. Having a contingency plan is a key component of business continuity, disaster recovery, and risk management.

Common Steps for a Contingency Plan Include:

  1. Perform a risk analysis. Determine what risks are most likely to occur for your business. Is your organization likely to experience natural disasters such as hurricanes or floods?
  2. Identify possible scenarios. Detail what could happen if major risks were to occur.
  3. Conduct a business impact analysis. Determine which of an organization’s functions are essential.
  4. Find ways to reduce the risk. It’s not enough to develop the plan; you need to take steps to improve preventative strategies. For example, you may realize you need special insurance, need a data back-up system or an emergency generator for power. Devise a plan for each scenario.
  5. Develop a contingency plan policy statement. This will include overview and main goals of the plan. Communicate the plan to all employees and provide personnel the proper training to improve plan effectiveness and overall organization preparedness.
  6. Test the plan. The testing should include short-term shutdowns in critical areas done in real time to ensure the plan goes as expected.
  7. Ensure plan maintenance. The plan should be a living document that is updated regularly to remain current with system improvements and organizational changes.

Preparing for a disaster requires an all-inclusive approach that covers facility equipment, power, connectivity, and testing.  This will ensure recovery is achieved within a targeted time frame. The goal is always to re-establish full function to the organization as quickly and smoothly as possible.

The Cost:

There are a wide range of disasters, natural and otherwise, that lead to recovery situations. Certain types of disaster may seem unlikely, but it is important to recognize probabilities and plan ahead.

Reduce the risk of power outages and ensure you have back up power when you need it. Installing a manual transfer switch in conjunction with a portable power generator is an economic solution to help minimize downtime during emergency power loss.

While implementing a thorough plan is no small task, the potential benefits of being proactive are significant.

To learn more about ESL and our emergency power product line, visit where you can download specifications, read recently published case studies and articles, and watch our short demo videos.

Company Switch vs. Disconnect Switches

When making purchasing or specifying decisions regarding electrical equipment for entertainment venues there are many factors to consider. The top of the list should always be safety. When it comes to making a decision between company switches and standard disconnect switches, the factor that often takes priority is price. While disconnect switches may often be the more affordable option, the value added into a company switch becomes apparent when features are compared side by side.

Company Switch Chart

The additional safety and features of ESL’s ShowSwitch make it a logical choice for entertainment power needs. The standard safety-interlocked feature of the ShowSwitch prevents live parts from being accessible, thus minimizing electrical hazards. In addition to being safety-interlocked, the ShowSwitch is equipped with an indicator light that clearly shows if the power is on. The ShowSwitch is also designed to be used without a certified electrician once installed. This cuts down significantly on operating costs. Disconnect switches are a generic solution that does not offer the combination of safety features desirable in an entertainment project.

For more information on why choosing a ShowSwitch over a disconnect switch is the right move for you, please contact us at

ESL StormSwitch™ – Keeping the Power On

The damage caused during this historic hurricane season serves as an unfortunate reminder of the need for contingency planning.  From everyday citizens to public institutions, the impact that the barrage has had on communities in the path of the storms will be felt for years to come. The amount of people left without power during this hurricane season is unprecedented; according to the U.S. Department of Energy an estimated 13 million people have experienced sustained outages in the U.S. mainland, Puerto Rico and The Virgin Islands this season. As recovery efforts continue, many ESL StormSwitch™ manual transfer switches are operating in the affected areas to help provide backup power to critical facilities, banks and gas stations.

For more information on how ESL can help be prepared for the next power outage click here.

ESL would like to wish all those affected by the natural disasters a speedy recovery.

ESL actively supports the efforts of the American Red Cross. If you would also like to make a donation to help with relief efforts click here.