ESL Featured in Business Energy Magazine

ESL Business Energy Switchgear Article
ESL was featured in a recent edition of Business Energy Magazine

ESL was recently featured in Business Energy Magazine. “Switchgear: Matters of Safety and Space” addressed the various concerns of businesses as they work to ensure that their electrical equipment is as safe as possible.

The article highlighted some of the benefits of using ESL’s TripleSwitch as an emergency backup power solution.  Many times, during emergencies, a qualified electrician will not be available, as they struggle to meet the increased need that inevitably follows a crisis. “In place of using lug nuts to pinch raw wire endings, ESL provides cam-style connectors that resemble microphone cords. This lets workers pop connections in and out without cranking lug nuts or fraying wire ends,” which means that anyone can safely operate the unit.

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ESL to Exhibit at IAVM-VenueConnect 2015

ESL IAVM ShowSwitch
ESL brings their ShowSwitch to IAVM in Baltimore!

ESL will be exhibiting at the 90th Annual Venue Connect Conference and Trade Show hosted by the International Association of Venue Managers. Venue Connect is the ideal show to network with venue executives, managers, and public assembly facilities personnel from around the world.

This year’s event will be held at the Baltimore Convention Center in Maryland. The conference runs from August 1st-4th and you can find ESL at the trade show in booth 450 exhibiting August 1st and 2nd.

2015 will mark the 2nd time that ESL has participated in the Venue Connect trade show with our custom line of UL and cUL listed Set Stage power solutions. As an established leader in the design and manufacturing of custom power distribution solutions, ESL is excited to exhibit again to establish new relationships and build on existing ones.

If you are looking for the ideal solution to your entertainment power needs, please feel free to visit us and find out how ESL can assist you with your entertainment power needs. Click Here for more information! We hope to see you in Baltimore!


Hurricane Dolores Growing Stronger: Are You Prepared?

Durricane Dolores
Photo credit:

Hurricane season is in full swing as Dolores gains strength and moves south of the Mexican Pacific coast. The storm is expected to be classified as a major hurricane (Category 3 or above) using the Saffir-Simpson hurricane wind scale, within the next few days, as Dolores continues to grow.  At this time, the storm is moving west-northwest at a steady 5-10 miles per hour and is not expected to make landfall. The storm is causing high surf conditions, rip tides and heavy rains as it moves along the Pacific coast.

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ESL to Exhibit at the 2015 American Society for Healthcare Engineering Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition

ESL ASHE Annual Conference
ESL is presenting their emergency backup power solutions to the American Society of Healthcare Engineering

Emergency backup power planning is at the heart of designing for critical facilities such as hospitals and data centers. Engineers have much to consider when they design hospitals and buildings that are intended to provide critical care to those in need. This weekend, ESL Power Systems, Inc. will be bringing a few of their emergency backup power solutions to Boston and speak to those attending the American Society of Healthcare Engineering (ASHE) Annual Conference and Technical Exhibition.

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ESL Featured in Water Efficiency Magazine: Keeping the Pumps Going When the Lights Go Out

Water Efficiency Magazine ESL Power Systems, Inc.
ESL’s emergency backup power solutions were featured in this month’s issue of Water Efficiency Magazine.

When emergencies or natural disasters occur, preparation can really pay off. Ensuring that water utilities remain operational is a big concern for cities and utility companies. Recently, ESL Power Systems, Inc. was featured in an article written by William Atkinson of Water Efficiency Magazine, focusing on “Keeping the Pumps Running When the Lights Go Out.” There are several strategies to consider to ensure that water utilities will continue to function should your geographic area suffer from power failure. In addition to using efficient pumps, conducting energy audits and proper maintenance, you must also arrange for backup power sources.

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